Key Takeaways Biden now leads by 9 points nationally (51% to 42%) and maintains his advantage across the seventeen “key” states for my analysis.Biden now leads by 1.1 points in the state of Ohio. This is the first time he has lead in that state for 2020 since July.Biden has…
September 2020
Former Vice Presidents lead has decreased by about 1.2 from a spread of +8 to +6.8 over the last week, this results in Biden at 50.3% and President Trump at 43.5%. All of the polls excluding Rasmussen Reports has Vice President Biden winning between a +4 and +9 margin with…
Last week I posted a brief overview of Lichtman’s 13-keys from his book Predicting the Next President: The Keys to the White House and applied them to today’s political landscape. From this assessment, Vice President Biden has a substantial lead. This week, my focus turned to battleground states and applying…
Several years ago, I became fascinated by a history professor at American University named Allan Lichtman and his book Predicting the Next President, The Keys to the White House. In his book, he laid out 13 keys to predicting a President. Over the last several decades, Professor Lichtman has been…
Yesterday I posted an article from The Atlantic and a video from The Lincoln Project on Facebook. Both made allegations of comments that President Trump has made concerning the military. I knew who would instantly comment that the story was total BS or #fakenews. Here is the deal. I grew…